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Captions for smartasses

Super Savage captions for Smartasses
  • I don't get mad i disapper.
  • If your absence never affect them then your presence never matters.
  • If i treated you the way you treated me, you would have hated me.
  • Common sense is not a gift.It's a punishment because you have to deal with everyone who don't have it.
  • I am probably not as sorry as you think i should be.
  • congrats slut.He is yours.
  • QUICK tip : Mind your own mothefucking goddamn buisness you ...bitch.
  • Maybe you should eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the insides too.
  • Everything happens for a reason but sometimes the reason is that you are stupid and you make bad decisions.
  • your opinion is irrelevent because you are a cunt.
  • I am street so look both ways before you cross me.
  • Things you got:
  1. ME
  3. UP

  • I don’t like to call it revenge.returning the favor sounds nicer

  • I will try being nicer if you try being smarter.

  • ITS exhausting bieng such a nice person , i think i should be a dick just lioke 
  • If you are cooler than me would that me hotter than you?


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